Exploring the Relationship between Creativity in Thinking Writing Performance of Graduate Students


  • Zeenat Rubab GCU Faisalabad
  • Rimsha Parveen GCU Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Ahmad Hashmi University of Texas at Dallas, US


Relationship, Creativity, Thinking, Writing performance


The main aim of this study is to inspect the possible correlation between creative thinking and writing production in graduate students. Total 80 graduate students were selected by using convenient sampling technique. The students were at a graduate proficiency level. The students were directed to fill a questionnaire on creativity and write an essay on a specific topic. The essays were assessed by expert and trained teachers. The results presented a negative and weak relationship between creative thinking and writing performance. On comparison, the statistical analysis gave a significant variation on the results of both creative thinking and writing. The results indicate weak correlation between creativity in thinking and writing performance of graduate students.


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How to Cite

Rubab, Z., Parveen, R., & Hashmi, M. A. (2023). Exploring the Relationship between Creativity in Thinking Writing Performance of Graduate Students. Competitive Education Research Journal, 4(2), 19–28. Retrieved from http://cerjournal.com/index.php/cerjournal/article/view/127