Exploring the pedagogical nexus between Classroom Environment on Learning English as Second Language


  • Ayesha Abbas Minhaj University, Lahore


classroom environment, social development, critical thinking, English learning


It is believed that classroom environment provides a good learning environment that is beneficial to students in acquiring academic skills and competencies as well as in their social and emotional development. The research questions formulated for the present research are: What is the relationship between the classroom environment and student performance in a second language classroom? What are some effective strategies used in the classroom to teach and learn a second language? How do classroom climate issues affect student achievement in the SL classroom? The goal of this research is to raise understanding of classroom setting plans and student achievement. This is a descriptive and investigative study of the impact of classroom environment on second language learning. 50 students were selected from the English department of Okara University (5 students for each of the 5th and 7th semesters). Thus, the total sample size is 50 respondents. Data was collected through an online questionnaire. The results indicated that A positive classroom environment fosters critical thinking, punctuality, self-discipline, confidence, leadership abilities, and honesty among second language students. According to participants perception (open-ended question) most respondents agreed that a good classroom environment has a stronger impact on the development of trust punctuality problem-solving skills leadership skills teamwork personality development and adaptability. And the classroom environment greatly influences second language learning. The main suggestions that the participants found to improve the effectiveness of a good classroom environment were the availability of classroom facilities and that the teacher-student ratio should be as high as possible. as low as possible etc.


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How to Cite

Abbas, A. (2023). Exploring the pedagogical nexus between Classroom Environment on Learning English as Second Language. Competitive Education Research Journal, 4(2), 29–41. Retrieved from http://cerjournal.com/index.php/cerjournal/article/view/138