Challenges to Learning a Second Language: What do the University Students of Islamabad City Think?


  • Raina Tabassum Abasyn University Islamabad Campus


Second language learning, Islamabad, University students


Language learning is a multifaceted process that implies a range of internal and external learner-based dimensions. Although numerous empirical studies have been conducted to acquire knowledge on second language acquisition, one of the neglected areas involves the identification of socio-cultural barriers in Pakistani people. The current research proposal was intended to fill this gap by conducting a qualitative study analyzing the issues of second language learners in Islamabad. In the present investigation, we analyze the hurdles of university students in Islamabad encounter while attempting to acquire Second language acquisition especially in English language. This research investigates the major problems learners face in their journey to reach fluency in English. From the learners' responses given analysis of themes located several main obstacles which are that pronunciation is hard to get, there is widespread laziness and insufficient resources for study. Large classes and the learners' L1 (first language) have compounded these obstacles, so that making individualized attention paid one's owned an even heavier burden than it already was before. Nevertheless, by making use of effective techniques such as daily practice, getting involved with English media and working with others who are also learning, it is possible to overcome those problems and improve one's language. More profound repercussions to these findings underscore the urgency of designing specific curricula tailored to suit the needs of individual learners, offering extra incentives and resources - which enable them tackle complexities in English language learning successfully.


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How to Cite

Tabassum, R. (2023). Challenges to Learning a Second Language: What do the University Students of Islamabad City Think?. Competitive Education Research Journal, 4(2), 42–53. Retrieved from