Smart Pedagogy: A Smart Approach to Prepare Prospective Teachers of Digital Era


  • Farah Deeba, Amna Saleem, Muhammad Aqeel Raza


Smart Pedagogy, Teacher Education, Prospective Teachers


In the present era of technology and digitalization, the focus of teacher education is to equip prospective teachers with advanced pedagogy. To prepare competent future teachers is an important goal of teacher education. However, this goal can be realized through the use of smart pedagogy in teacher education institutions. Smart pedagogy is a teaching learning pattern in which students are taught through a variety of smart technologies. The concept of smart pedagogy in academic scenario encompasses the use of latest and advanced technologies like smart phones, smart tools, smart boards, Wi-Fi along with use of ICTs (information and communication technologies) on-line learning and at the most advanced level Web 2.0 technologies. The core purposes of this concept paper were; to highlight the imperative role of smart pedagogy for preparing smart prospective teachers to enable them to face the challenges of teaching smartly; to explore the importance of infusing teacher education curricula with smart technological practices for future educators. The secondary data has been gathered from official websites, eBooks, and periodicals. After a review of the literature, it is concluded that Smart pedagogy has emerged as an informed and rigorous approach of teaching workable for both teachers and students. It is proven after COVID-19 that teacher educators had to go hand in hand with technology based education and learning and in future they will also rely on use of smart technologies as these are more time saving, user friendly, advanced, adaptable and personalized/individualized. The study recommends that teacher educators need to foster a positive attitude in prospective teachers for the use of technology by incorporating technology in their classroom and giving them technology based assignments. In this regard, first of all teacher educators will have to be trained then in turn they can train their students. For better implementation in the Pakistani scenario, it is recommended that advanced computer labs, digital libraries be provided in educational institutions to promote Smart pedagogy. Special funds be allocated by the Higher Education Commission to teacher training departments for the purchase of soft-wares, license and smart tools.




How to Cite

Farah Deeba, Amna Saleem, Muhammad Aqeel Raza. (2022). Smart Pedagogy: A Smart Approach to Prepare Prospective Teachers of Digital Era . Competitive Education Research Journal, 3(1), 55–61. Retrieved from