
  • Kainat Anjum BIIT


In this research paper, writing skills of students in Public, Private and Missionary schools have been compared as these three categories of schools are hypothesized to have different approach to communication skills especially written form. A sample of 60 students from 8th grade, comprising of 20 students from each category of school, participated in this study. Equal ratio of boys and girls was chosen while the site of the research was the city of Lahore. Specialized rubrics were used to assess the written communication skills of the participants and to score the written data collected from the sample. Research method that was used in obtaining data was a “test” of creative writing in which students were asked to write an essay. Results revealed that the writing skills of students of Missionary schools were better than Private schools and Public schools. In some aspects of written communication, students of Private schools and Missionary schools did not differ much but overall, students of Missionary schools were far better in performance than other schools. The higher score of missionary school students implicate that the private and public schools must also employ the teaching methodologies adopted by missionary schools in order to equip their students better in written communication.


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How to Cite

Anjum, K. (2021). A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF WRITTEN COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF 8TH GRADE STUDENTS OF PUBLIC, PRIVATE AND MISSIONARY SCHOOLS. Competitive Education Research Journal, 2(1), 1–12. Retrieved from https://cerjournal.com/index.php/cerjournal/article/view/3