
  • Muhammad Riaz GC Khurianwala Faisalabad


The present study was determined to explore the secondary school students, self-efficacy and its relationship with their attitude and achievement in science. The variables of the study were self-efficacy, attitude towards science and achievement in science. Similarly, demographic variables like gender, locality and tehsils were also a part of this research study. The research was descriptive in nature and survey method was used to collect the data. The population of the study comprised of all 10th grade science students enrolled in government secondary and higher secondary schools of Faisalabad District. Two tehsils (Jaranwala and Faisalabad) were selected randomly from all 5 tehsils of Faisalabad district. A sample of 640 students was chosen from the population. Both the questionnaires along with Demographic Information Performa, for final study, were administered to 640 students. These students had already participated in 9th grade Board examination in the year 2013. The 9th class board result of these students was obtained from the website of the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Faisalabad for the district of Faisalabad. The data was analyzed by using different statistical techniques. Descriptive statistics i.e. “Mean, Standard Deviation and Frequency Distributions” were applied for the description of data. Analysis of Variance was also used to find out the differences, therefore t-values and p-values also evaluated. The results revealed that in some indicators male had better achievement and science related attitude and the vice versa.


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How to Cite

Riaz, M. . (2021). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELF-EFFICACY AND ACHIEVEMENT SCORE AT SECONDARY LEVEL. Competitive Education Research Journal, 2(1), 38–49. Retrieved from