An Analysis of Relationship between English and Urdu Reading Skills of Secondary School Students in Multan
reading comprehension , Urdu, English, Correlation, Secondary schoolAbstract
In perspective of analyzing Cummings’ inter dependence hypothesis, this study mainly aimed at to find out correlation between Urdu and English reading comprehension. A mixed method research design was adopted to achieve the objectives of the study, as the data related to this study was both qualitative and quantitative in nature. Correlational research techniques were applied to collect data. Four researcher made tools were used to gather quantitative and qualitative data for this study that included Urdu Reading Comprehension Test, an English Reading Comprehension Test, Questionnaires for English and Urdu Language Teachers and interview protocol. Data also included BISE results for 9th class in the subjects of Urdu and English. One thousand (1000) clustered sampled students (500 males, 500 females) were administered Urdu and English Reading Comprehension Tests while BISE results of the same students in the subjects of Urdu and English were also collected. Questionnaires were administered to 150 randomly selected Urdu and English Language teachers of these students (60 male, 90 female). Results of the study show that there is negative relationship between Urdu and English Reading Comprehension but there is positive but weak correlation between achievement scores on Urdu and English subjects in view of BISE results. Results of the questionnaire survey/interview show that teachers of Urdu and English use grammar translation method and lecture method in teaching their subjects.
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