The role of socio-scientific inquiry in biology teaching at secondary level


  • Farhana Akmal IIU Islamabad
  • Muhammad Sherbaz Ali IIU Islamabad
  • Munawwar Ahmad IIU Islamabad


Socio-scientific, science content, ethics, DNA


Preceding research has acknowledged that the multifarious competences and skills which are characteristically connected to scientific literacy who appoint with socio-scientific inquiry can be obtained by some students. But arising pasture, the use of socio-scientific investigation and research on science teachers for the take up of socio-scientific inquiry, understanding has recognized to a variety of provocations obstacles. We explored in this study, the explanation and accomplishment of socio-scientific inquiry amongst natural science teachers who educate in that prospectus that, in article, is spread through with socio-scientific inquiry. First, as a way to conclusion of coaching truthful natural contented, the teachers usually use socio-scientific inquiry. Secondly in their appraisal practices, on mastery of truthful contented, teachers had an unambiguous importance. Third, to specific biological contents (DNA) the teachers would generally reduce socio-scientific inquiry such that it doesn’t seem to permit student to connect through actual socio-scientific inquiry. Our main accentuate are mainly important for strategy producers, educational modules planners and science educators as we dispute that in order to navigate a alienated curriculum, contented-center’s main part is understanding might be an adapting approach utilized.


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How to Cite

Akmal, F., Ali, M. S., & Ahmad, M. (2024). The role of socio-scientific inquiry in biology teaching at secondary level. Competitive Education Research Journal, 5(1), 1–17. Retrieved from