A study to investigate the role of Youtube in language development of toddlers


  • Mahin Rasul Qadri Kinnaired College Lahore
  • Khadija Akram


Youtube, language development, toddlers


Language development starts even before the birth but the first five years are crucial for language development. Therefore, the process is same in every human being. However, milestone of language development vary among children. That is why; a child’s language development cannot be compare with other children but can relate to norms of language development. This paper focuses on the development of language through YouTube. It is investigated that the learning behavior & attitude of children towards YouTube channels. For this, interview of parents is conducted of five toddlers to investigate language development patterns and factors af ecting it. This research discusses the milestone of children from age 2-4 and compares it with the analysis of interview conducted. The result shows that children have adverse ef ects such as change of body language and aggression along with language learning skills, which are also giving them a chance to be exposed to absurd language and inappropriate material.


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How to Cite

Qadri, M. R., & Akram, K. (2020). A study to investigate the role of Youtube in language development of toddlers. Competitive Education Research Journal, 1(1), 1–13. Retrieved from https://cerjournal.com/index.php/cerjournal/article/view/13