Technology assisted teaching by using Vlogs and blogs
A Pakistani perspective
ELT, Vlog, Blog, teaching, open ended questionnaireAbstract
Methods and trends to teach the students of English language are changing widely with the passage of time. Technological programmes and computer-assisted softwares are taking place rapidly. These programmes help both teachers and learners. Use of ‘Blogs’ or ‘Weblog’ and ‘Vlog’ for language teaching facilitate language learning process. The present paper aims to analyze the
rationale of using Vlogs and Blogs for ELT practitioners. It furthers investigates the merits and demerits of its usage because technology has become an integral part of teaching. For this purpose, an open-ended questionnaire was disseminated to 20 ESL teachers. Through a qualitative study it was found that Vlogs improve students’ listening, pronunciation, and conversation skills while blogs allow its users to read and write materials. Instructors use it to read up to date material and motivate their students to learn in easy and effective way. Findings further prove that most of the participants use technology in different teaching activities and situations. These are more positive and a few negative impacts on teaching and learning English language. The study is significant because modern classrooms have different requirements than traditional classrooms and students prefer technology on notes and tough reading materials.
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