Relationship between economic status of parents' emotional adjustment and students' achievement score


  • Hafiza Madiha Iqbal GCU Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Shabbir Ali University of Education, Faisalabad Campus


economic status, achievement, parents, emotional adjustment


Commonly education is asserted in different fields especially in sociology and Psychology. So, it can be affected by different factors like
background, economic status and qualification of parents. Parent’s dependening on different occupations have different disciplines, rearing styles and reacting methods with children. These differences effect the academic achievements of students belonging to different classes. Family is a group of humans and structure of any family differs from society to society. So, family plays an important role to educate their children. Education plays an important role in development and progress. It enhances the progress day by day. So, it’s the main reason that people giving more preference to study in universities for higher education. Education at university level is a process of multidimensional aspects and departments. After completing education individuals entered into the professional life, it’s a life line of society. In universities outcomes and academic performance of students has great importance. There are different factors like economic status, teacher student behavior and communication, policy effects regarding admissions and different teaching or learning styles have great impact on student’s achievements and outcomes at universities level.


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How to Cite

Iqbal, H. M., & Ali, M. S. (2020). Relationship between economic status of parents’ emotional adjustment and students’ achievement score. Competitive Education Research Journal, 1(1), 68–152. Retrieved from